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Alternate Loging for Globeadmin

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Alternate Loging for Globeadmin

Unread post by mmuhlenkort2000 »

Sorry for the simple question I think I already know the answer but will ask it anyway -- due to security reasons corporate security does not want anyone to have globeadmin security rights because of the possibility of deleting and or changing things within the system -- I've tried to create other logins with a variety of rights but non will allow for creating and editing forms, only viewing -- is there a way to create a login with the same level of access without calling it globeadmin -- I've already read through the documentation but hoping someone has an alternative -- if the system does not support globeadmin being called something different can we create multiple globeadmin accounts and assign those accounts to specific users -- that way we can audit who is making changes within the system -- I'm hoping to find a solution. Thank you!!!!
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Re: Alternate Loging for Globeadmin

Unread post by admin »


Sorry but there is only one globeadmin.

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