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After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

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After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by jimh »

Using latest wamp and downloading nubuilderpro from nubuilder.net, everything seems to have installed and configured without any issues. When I log in the first time I get the setup page. No button on this page does anything with the exception of the 'Database' button which does load a new browser tab with phpmyadmin of my localhost mysql.

All of the tables seem to be installed from nuinstall.php. No errors appear in the logs. I am hoping this is something you have seen before and it is just something dumb that I didn't do correctly. I could not find this issue already on the forums.

Also I should mention that I am running this on a Windows 8.1 machine.
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Re: After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by dowster »

Hi All,
I have the same issue as Jim. Installed under Wampserver 64bit, windows 7. On running the nubuilder.php script it gave warnings regarding not using mysqli but created the tables in a sample mysql db.
As with Jim only phpmyadmin runs from the database button.
Maybe a clue to help out, if I use a nonsense password for globeadmin I get a blank screen.


EDIT -- Fixed - this is also a symptom of having php.ini set as with display_errors = On . Thanks to the other forum posts for having the information. I'll look further to see if there is a
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Re: After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by Tadanori »

I have the same problem while using Windows8.1 and both WAMP and UwAmp using Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. NuBuilderPro install worked without issue or errors. I've looked at the HTML source code for NuBuilderPro Home page but it hasn't helped me find a solution.
I've checked the security settings for both a development MySql database and a two field test MySql database. Both have global access for 'globeadmin' and password 'nu' - in case this was a cause - using localhost and I've looked at the relevant PHP lines of code but lack the knowledge to get any further with the issue. It seems an undefined index is the problem but I'm at a loss and a forum/Google search has not proved fruitful to find a solution.

I've had NuBuilderPro working on my desktop computer with Windows7 to learn how it might help me. It appears to be just what I'm looking for to build a cloud based application. However, I am now on my travels and no longer using the desktop to begin the first prototype. Any help to cure this problem would be appreciated.

[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP Notice: Undefined index: fields in C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nucommon.php on line 428
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP Stack trace:
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php:0
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP 2. nuHashData() C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php:16
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP Notice: Undefined index: nu_access_nuformwizard in C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php on line 1793
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP Stack trace:
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP 1. {main}() C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php:0
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP 2. nuGetEditForm() C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php:181
[10-Jan-2015 07:40:00 Australia/Adelaide] PHP 3. nuGetEditButtons() C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php:1458
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:02 am

Re: After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by Tadanori »

Still not solved.

I've tried WAMP 64 bit and 32 bit. Same php errors reported. Using Windows8.1 running in 64 bit.
I've looked at the nucommon.php and nuapi.php code to locate instances of 'field' index and try and gain an understanding of what is happening. So far, its beyond me.
Searched for php errors regarding undefined indexes in Google. The results didn't help me solve this issue with NuBuilderPro.
Not sure where else to look.

Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2015 12:02 am

Re: After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by Tadanori »

Slight progress..

Have modified nuinstall_lib.php to change sql commands to sqli commands. No longer getting the PDO SQLI warnings on running nuinstall.php.

Reduced the number of errors in php_error log.php to:
[PHP Notice: Undefined index: fields in C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nucommon.php on line 427
PHP Notice: Undefined index: nu_access_nuformwizard in C:\wamp\www\BakersOffice\nuBuilder\nuapi.php on line 1793

Just need to figure out what's going on with the Undefined index(es)..

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Re: After install and login, buttons do nothing on 1st page

Unread post by admin »
