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Post installation

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Joined: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:18 pm

Post installation

Post by alexi »


I completed installation including sampledebtors example, it's quite straigtforward, so no problems where reported. I have not created sample databases instead loading tables to a one of existing, of course, then changing configs in both /nubuilder/db/sampledebtors and /nubuilder/productionnu2.

However, now I am trying figure out how I can login into: by main folder index upon selection I am redirected to (db/sampledebtors/) login page but any my quess of credentials (name/pass) were wrong.

Could you please advice where these credentials are are stored - (1) I checked zzsys_user table but i's totally empty, (2) I even tried database credentials as stored in configs...

An very related question on $DBGlobeadminPassword, how it works?

Posts: 40
Joined: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:50 am

Re: Post installation

Post by michael »

Every nuBuilder user's login credentials are stored in the zzsys_user table. The only exception is the globeadmin user, which is hard coded into the nuBuilder source code. globeadmin is the default developer account. The username globeadmin is always available, and the password for globeadmin can be configured in two seperate configuration files.

The first place is in productionnu2/config.php. The globeadmin password configured here in the $NUGlobeadminPassword variable applies to all nuBuilder sites you have set up, or in other words, you can log into any of your nuBuilder sites using the username globeadmin and this password.

The second place is in db/[SITE FOLDER]/config.php. This file can contain an optional variable named $DBGlobeadminPassword which is a second password for the globeadmin user which only applies to this nuBuilder site. You can log in to this site using the username globeadmin and either the password defined in $NUGlobeadminPassword or this site's $DBGlobeadminPassword.

Also, in order to login to a nuBuilder site, popups need to be enabled.

Good luck, and just let us know if you need to know anything else!
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